Generation Alpha are the most materially endowed and empowered generation ever. They have been shaped in an era of individualisation and customisation where they can get their name printed into the storyline of books, embroidered onto their shirts or put on a jar of Nutella.
Because of rapid advances in technology there are many things Generation Alpha will not be accustomed to using. Just like record players, VHS and pagers haven’t been part of our day-to-day lives for a number of years, the use of traditional dictionaries, street directories or DVD players have similarly made their exit over the last decade. Looking ahead, it is very likely that Generation Alpha will never use a wallet, single-use plastics, listen to the radio as a device, participate in a written exam or set an analogue alarm clock.
While Generation Alpha are yet to hit their teens, they have brand influence and purchasing power beyond their years, engaging with brands, toys and products that speak to the future needs of this generation.